This section contains many useful lists of words, including:
words of similar spelling which are often confused (e.g. bear / beer),
homophones (e.g. break / brake),
homographs (e.g. record – ʹre.kərd / rɨʹkɔrd),
words often mispronounced (e.g. abroad, journey),
words with silent letters (e.g. plumber, know),
prefixes (e.g. audiovisual, antibiotic),
suffixes (e.g. washable, damage),
words with misleading spelling (e.g. nature / natural),
loanwords (e.g. cliché, karaoke),
false friends (e.g. antics, benzene),
an extensive wordbuilding list (more than 4,500 words derived from other words, e.g. ABLE – ability / enable / disable / disabled / disability / unable),
and additional testing exercises.